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In addition to the physical body, our bodies also contain forms of light called Aura. This energy field is created by the chakras. Chakra means wheel of light in Sanskrit. The main chakras are seven spiritual energy centers along the spine that correspond to the colors of the rainbow of light.

Teachings about chakras, which are subtle energy centers located in the human body, originated in India. From the base of the spine along the spine to the top of the head, there are seven major chakras responsible for providing the "vital energy" needed to maintain the body's functions.

Qi reaches the meridians and energy channels of the body through chakras, which are the doors to our soul and potential. Chakras store everything we experience and live, as well as our potential and virtues, such as love, creativity, courage, fundamental trust, peace and vitality. So chakras have always affected our overall health and mind.

The energy of the chakras expands outward beyond the boundaries of the body into the subtle body of light. Each chakra has a corresponding color, which represents the quality and energy of that chakra.

Chakras store all of our experiences and influence our vitality, mental and emotional health. If the chakras are out of balance, problems and obstacles may occur at all levels of our body, mind and spirit. Therefore, the wisdom inheritance of many ancient civilizations such as India and Tibet all illustrate the importance of chakra energy to human life. Implemented chakra work is the foundation of spirituality.

The purification of the chakras can release the old thought structures and limiting patterns that limit us, making us more receptive to change, allowing us to experience confidence in our own path and power, and develop our own unique personality traits. Chakra work is one of the most important and effective healing techniques.

By caring for our chakras, we can fully embody our power, expand our true being, and walk a life path that is fully aligned with our soul. Because of this, caring for your chakras is one of the most critical foundations for spiritual growth, personal expansion, and physical health. The Akasha Sacred Beauty Series maintains the endless flow of chakras and nourishes our inner and outer radiance and beauty.

First Chakra / Muladhara

color: red.
Quality: A basic sense of trust in life. Connect with the earth. Get rooted and centered.
Accept life and humanity. Fire and Sexual Energy . Get support and strength. Giving and receiving nurturing.
Location: Base of spine/sacral bone, extending to genital area and pubic bone.color: red.
Quality: A basic sense of trust in life. Connect with the earth. Get rooted and centered.
Accept life and humanity. Fire and Sexual Energy . Get support and strength. Giving and receiving nurturing.
Location: Base of spine/sacral bone, extending to genital area and pubic bone.

Second Chakra / Manipura Chakra

Color: orange.
Quality: Originality and creativity. The power of change. courage. sensitivity. Joy and sensuality. Inner connection.
Location: Pelvis and lower back (including all reproductive organs).Color: orange.
Quality: Originality and creativity. The power of change. courage. sensitivity. Joy and sensuality. Inner connection.
Location: Pelvis and lower back (including all reproductive organs).

Third Chakra/Solar Plexus Chakra

Color: Yellow.
Quality: Calm. Comfortable and contented. The flow of life including the flow of matter. Shine and be seen.
Find your place and goals and accept yourself. leadership.
Location: Solar plexus and mid-back.Color: Yellow.
Quality: Calm. Comfortable and contented. The flow of life including the flow of matter. Shine and be seen.
Find your place and goals and accept yourself. leadership.
Location: Solar plexus and mid-back.

Fourth Chakra/Heart Chakra

Color: green.
Qualities: Unconditional love for self and others. Mercy and forgiveness. Healing. The feeling of being surrounded by love.
Location: Heart, chest, and upper back.Color: green.
Qualities: Unconditional love for self and others. Mercy and forgiveness. Healing. The feeling of being surrounded by love.
Location: Heart, chest, and upper back.

Fifth Chakra / Throat Chakra

Color: light blue.
Quality: Self-expression. Stand in your place. free. Detached.
Manifest and realize the vision. Authentic communication. Express it with love.
Location: Throat and neck.Color: light blue.
Quality: Self-expression. Stand in your place. free. Detached.
Manifest and realize the vision. Authentic communication. Express it with love.
Location: Throat and neck.

Sixth Chakra / Ajna Chakra

Color: Indigo.
Quality: Awareness. intuition. Sense perception. Perception of intangible things. Understanding of self.
The wisdom of the universe. Clear thoughts. Calm mind. Focus on the essence of things.
Location: Third eye and back of head.Color: Indigo.
Quality: Awareness. intuition. Sense perception. Perception of intangible things. Understanding of self.
The wisdom of the universe. Clear thoughts. Calm mind. Focus on the essence of things.
Location: Third eye and back of head.

Seventh Chakra / Crown Chakra

Color: Purple.
Quality: Transformation. inspiration. Connection to the Divine. Divine guidance. Surrender.
Feeling loved and protected. Connect with the Source of Heaven. Light. direction.
Location: Top of head.