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In order to allow her body to have a natural rhythm in harmony with Mother Earth, she avoids using an alarm clock to wake herself up as much as possible.

No matter she lives in the countryside or in the concrete jungle, in her heart, she lives between flowers and trees, flower gods and angels.

At night, she merges with the moon and stars, even if only for a brief moment. Nature is her protector, her North Star, her true love.

Every day, she applies beautiful flower essences and essential oils that help her connect with her true self.

Wherever she passes, she touches people with her inner light.

Her relationships are inspiring, present and intimate.

She lived out her destiny. She is on her own sacred and right path.

She belongs to this world but is not bound by it. She lives in this moment, but at the same time conveys eternity.

She is incomparable, the Akasha Woman, Divine Beauty, Divine Presence, Divine Love.

"She" is you, "she" is me, "she" is us